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The day is composed of 2 nutrition breaks.

10:55 am to 11:35 am
1:35 pm  to 2:15 pm

The students begin their nutrition break with a 20 min outdoor recess followed by a 20 min lunch.

Cold Weather

Outside in Cold weather – Discretionary Guidelines

5 – 20 degrees below – We normally go out for all recesses
20 – 25 degrees below – We go out for some recesses or shortened periods depending on wind factor
25 – 30 degrees  below – Indoor recesses

Please ensure that your child is properly dressed for outdoor play.

Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather listen to the radio for cancellation of buses and classes or visit

In the interest of the safety and well-being of staff and students, classes will be cancelled when weather conditions warrant such action.

To find out if schools are closed or buses are operating, please listen to the radio. Every attempt will be made to announce class cancellations on the various radio stations by 7 am.

When classes are cancelled, Rainbow District School Board staff are expected to report to work when it is safe for them to do so. In extreme conditions, there may not be anyone present to receive students upon their arrival.

It’s important for parents/guardians to note that students will only be admitted to school when accompanied by a teacher or other person authorized by the Principal.

So please listen to the radio in the event of inclement weather. If classes are cancelled, please do not bring your child to school.

If schools are open but buses are cancelled and you drop your child off, please remember that you must pick your child up at the end of the day. For school bus cancellations and school closures, visit and click on Transportation under Highlights.

Working in partnership with the four area school boards, the Sudbury Student Services Consortium oversees the
transportation in the Greater Sudbury, Espanola and Manitoulin areas.

For more information about transportation, including student eligibility and bus cancellation procedures, please call the Sudbury Student Services Consortium at 705.521.1234 or toll free at 1.877.225.1196 (from 7 am to 5 pm, Monday through Friday), email [email protected]
or visit