School Council
School Council
Alexander Public School has an active School Council that provides input into a variety of school initiatives. The group acts as an advisory body that works collaboratively within the school community to develop strategies and solutions to enhance the development and educational experiences of all students.
To support education at Alexander P.S., the School Council’s priorities are:
- Healthy Schools
- Community Building
- Re-greening and Schoolyard Improvement
- Communication
- Fundraising and Special Events
Please view the monthly calendar and newsletter for the next School Council meeting.
Elections are held every September. We encourage all parents to participate.
We meet 6 times during the school year.
Parents are always welcome to attend. Day Care is provided with advance notice.
Parents are always welcome to attend.
Terms of Reference
The name of the organization shall be the Alexander School Council.
The Alexander School Council is an advisory body which will work collaboratively within the school community to develop strategies and solutions to enhance the development and educational experiences of all students.
The goals of the Alexander School Council shall reflect the mission of the council.
To promote, maintain, and support a positive school environment and community for all at Alexander Public School.
To enhance the lines of communication among parents and/or guardians, administrators, teachers, and students in the school community.
To provide a forum for input into educational matters for members of the school community.
To provide a vehicle for transmitting ideas, recommendations, and concerns to any or all administrative levels, and parents and/or guardians.
School councils are advisory bodies. A school council will provide advice to the school principal and, where appropriate, to the school board on any of the matters listed within the Ministry of Ontario School Council guide for members.
The Alexander School Council shall not be involved in the day-to-day management of the school but shall act as an advisory council within a relationship of open and transparent communication. The Alexander School Council will respect the management rights and responsibilities of the principal and the school board.
1. The Alexander School Council shall reflect the diversity of our school community. Parents and guardians will form the majority of members on school council.
2. The Alexander School Council shall consist of:
A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 16 parents and/or guardians of students enrolled in the school, elected by the parents and guardians.
- The school principal
- At least one (1) teacher elected by members of the teaching staff
The council may include:
- One (1) non-teaching school staff member elected by members of the non-teaching staff
- up to two (2) community members appointed by the Alexander School Council.
3. The Chair (and co-chair, if applicable) of the Alexander School Council shall be the member who is also a parent and shall be elected by the council.
4. If any members resign during a term of office or if any office is not filled at the time of elections, the council may open elections beyond the initial period and if the position remains vacant after 3 calls for members, the council may continue without the maximum seats being held.
5. If a member does not attend three consecutive regular meetings, without a reason acceptable to Council, the position may be deemed to be vacant by Council.
6. The School Council year shall follow the school calendar.
7. No honorarium shall be paid to members of the Alexander School Council.
8. Non-voting members are always welcome to participate.
Roles and Responsibilities
1. The Chair/Co-Chair of Alexander School Council:
- Establishes council meeting dates and times as approved by the council
- Calls council meetings
- Prepares agendas for council meetings
- Chairs council meetings
- Approves the minutes
- Communicates with the school principal
- Ensures that there is regular communication with the school community
- Consults with senior staff members of the school board and trustees as required
- Organizes future elections
- Issues and receives correspondences on behalf of the Council
2. The Secretary of Alexander School Council:
- Ensures that the minutes of school council meetings are recorded and maintained
- Maintains all official documents of the council including policy manuals, constitution, and bylaws
- Prepares the annual report of the Alexander School Council with the input of the chair and the committee chairs
- Prepares newsletters for the school community
3. The Members of the Alexander School Council:
- Participate in council meetings and information and training programs
- Act as a link between school council and the community
- Are responsible for encouraging parents and others within the school
- Shall be members of one or more committees of the council
4. The Principal of Alexander School Council:
- Helps establish the school council and assists in its operations
- Supports and promotes council’s activities
- Asks for advice from council in the areas within its jurisdiction
- Acts as a resource to the council on laws, regulations, board policies, and collective agreements
- Encourages the participation of parents and other people within the school community
- Ensures that copies of the minutes of council meetings are kept at the school
- Helps the council communicate with the school community.
1. A minimum of 4 meetings of the Alexander School Council will be held yearly. Prior to the last day of September, school council will be formed and have held its first meeting.
2. Notification of the date, time and place shall be provided in writing to all school community households.
3. All regular meetings of the Alexander School Council shall be considered open, public meetings and active participation is encouraged.
4. Parties wishing to make a presentation to the Alexander School Council shall request to be placed on the agenda no later than one (1) week before the scheduled meeting. Request should be directed to the Chair of the Alexander School Council.
5. The date of each meeting is to be inserted into the school newsletter.
6. Unless otherwise specified by policies or procedures of the council, meetings will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
7. A quorum of council shall be a simple majority of the existing members of council (i.e., 9 members).
8. Council meetings shall be no longer than 1.5 hours in length.
9. Any meeting lacking quorum may be rescheduled to another date or proceed for discussion/information purposes only.
10.Voting: The desired method of reaching decisions is through consensus. Where consensus cannot be reached with a reasonable time period, the following rules shall be applied.
Each member of council shall have one vote
Generally the chair will not vote. However, in the event that a resolution receives a tie vote, the Chair may cast the deciding vote.
1. A member of the current school council shall chair each of the committees of the Alexander School Council.
2. Committees are responsible to the Alexander School Council
3. The members of the standing committees shall be comprised of members of the school council, members from the school community, and other members from the community according to their areas of interest and/or expertise.
4. A simple majority of members of a committee shall constitute a quorum (i.e., 50% plus 1).
1. It will be the responsibility of the principal to notify persons qualified as potential Council members.
2. Nominations and/or expression of interest to serve on the School Council must be received by the principal seven (7) days prior to the election.
3. If the number of nominees/interested persons is equal to or fewer than the number of vacant positions, the nominees/interested persons shall fill these positions by acclamation.
4. When elections are required, they shall be held by direct ballot at a time determined by the principal during the month of September
5. Any parent/guardian unable to attend at the school to cast their ballots may respond via email.
The Alexander School Council is not a forum for the discussion of individual school personnel, students, parents, or other members of the school community. As such, the Alexander School Council will not:
Participate in the personal dealings with a teacher or the school with any parent or student; or,
Support an individual or group grievance against a teacher or the school.The Alexander School Council is not a forum for the discussion of individual school personnel, students, parents, or other members of the school community. As such, the Alexander School Council will not:
Further, members of the Alexander School Council who are approached by any members of the school community with a concern relating to another member of the school community are in a privileged position and must treat such discussions with discretion, protecting the confidentiality of the people involved. Support an individual or group grievance against a teacher or the school.
Any proposed change or addition to the constitution must be submitted in the minutes and following voting rules. The change must be presented in motion form and passed by a simple majority (50% plus one) at a meeting with a quorum.