Our students participate in a number of Special Activities, many of them out of school . There is always a cost to the excursion but no child will be left behind due to financial restraints. However a child must put forth some effort with fundraising to help defray the cost of some excursions. For students unable to pay an expensive trip such as the Grade 8 St-Donat trip to Quebec, a similar experience will be provided locally at a reduced cost.
During the year, students will be offered a variety of learning experiences, both in as well as out of the school. These may include sporting events, cultural activities or theatrical presentations. Notices of activities and appropriate permission slips will be distributed prior to the events. In each event, please ensure that the permission slip is signed and returned to the school promptly. Permission slips that are not completed or returned by the day previous to the event will result in the student not participating in the activity. Parent notes or phone calls are NOT acceptable.
Our school has an excellent reputation for its supportive parents, and we look forward to the excellent volunteers’ continued assistance with school activities and initiatives.
We encourage parents to volunteer at our Bingo fundraisers and participate at fundraising events to help provide extended learning opportunities for their child.